Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Footage of Me on Channel 9!

As I stated below, I was asked by Cincinnati Wedding Magazine to appear on a morning news segment on Channel 9 to talk about "Wow Weddings". It was a very fun experience: though I was tired (yes, those are bags under my eyes! I'd been out until 1 a.m. the night before at a wedding!), it really was a blast to see a live television broadcast--and then be a part of it as an expert! The talent and crew at Channel 9 were terrific... I hope they use me again!

Anyway, here's the snippet. We had to video this off Sara's DVR, so the sound's not great (but it looks surprisingly good!). Watch me try to think fast on five hours' sleep!

1 comment:

jaimeson said...

congrats Dora ... looked fabulous!

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